BIM: modern design technologies for industrial objects

BIM is creating a 3D information model of a building or infrastructure object.
The technology allows architects, engineers, and construction workers with different backgrounds to work in the cloud, relying on the same verified data in sync with each other. The chief engineer spends less time coordinating work on the project, and the team members always have all the necessary information at their fingertips. Mistakes can be spotted and corrected in real time, and if something goes wrong during the construction, the project can be quickly updated.

This is a new paradigm of managing investment and construction projects, which moves away from discrete decision-making to continuous management that leads to complex project deliverables and provides an all-encompassing motivation system.
We design BIM models based on your blueprints.
Dokshin has unique expertise. Our completed projects:
    Stay within budget and schedule
    BIM helps you avoid overruns by:
    • Finding and correcting errors
      in blueprints
    • Testing changes to any
      model parameters
    • Producing the highest quality technical documentation
    • Quickly finding any necessary
    • Changing designs on the fly
      faster and cheaper
    • Relying on a single source
      for complete and correct data
    • Creating accurate,
      automated estimates
    • Optimizing
    A BIM model allows you to spot and fix inaccuracies starting from the early stages and effectively manage the project throughout its life cycle.
    BIM in construction
    In 2014, we developed a BIM model of the gold beneficiation plant, which helped us identify and correct design and construction errors in a timely manner right at the construction site.

    • We corrected technological documentation.
    • Detected insufficiencies in the bill of materials and managed to correct the orders to have everything arrive in time.
    • The compressor room blueprints were updated in 1 day, while the previous engineer planned to do it in 4 months.
    • It only took us a few days to design and implement a temporary water-supply scheme for pre-commissioning of the factory.

    This saved several months of factory downtime and tens of millions of dollars in avoided customer losses.
    The BIM model gave us the necessary flexibility to work with project changes. We corrected any errors and deviations from the initial design on the spot. And the model allowed us to immediately issue correct working documentation.
    Dokshin information modeling and consulting since 2008
    More than 10 years ago, even before we started our own company, we were implementing information modeling while working in other engineering companies. All this time we have been designing, building and managing field development projects. We study data and create strategies, track errors in projects and correct them in BIM models, manage changes, budgets and schedules, see problems and offer solutions.

    Dokshin is an accomplished project team that will help you to get the production up and running. We’re professionals that have been through some extremely challenging projects together. We tented in the fields, explored the tundra on all-terrain vehicles, and now we feel and understand each other at a glance.

    As companies get bigger they tend to lose efficiency. We use technologies that can help avoid this. We focus on strategy and profitability, analyze every technical problem and build a detailed action plan for every stage: from initiation to start of production.

    BIM in design
    2019. Field reconstruction in Trans-Baikal Territory with the objective to double the productivity.

    Ramping up technology in the on-going production is no easy task. Such solutions require ingenious planar thinking. Without BIM this work would have taken months and could lead to a lot of mistakes. We completed the task quickly and precisely thanks to our experience with 3D information models.
    BIM in design
    2019. Field reconstruction in Trans-Baikal Territory with the objective to double the productivity.

    Ramping up technology in the on-going production is no easy task. Such solutions require ingenious planar thinking. Without BIM this work would have taken months and could lead to a lot of mistakes. We completed the task quickly and precisely thanks to our experience with 3D information models.
    Contact Dokshin to have confidence in your design calculations, plans, solutions, and budget.
    Ilia Dokshin
    CEO and Founder of Dokshin
    Ran capital construction projects for Deloitte, Shaneco, Mangazeya Gold and ID Engineers.

    Ilia was part of the team designing a glucose-treacle plant and later managed its construction.

    Among Ilia’s clients are mining and processing plants (Kimkano-Sutarsky) and gold refineries at several deposits (Ametistovoye, Nasedkino, Kochkovskoye, and Pervenets).

    Graduated from Perm National Research Polytechnic University with a degree in Chemical Engineering.
    Ilia Dokshin
    CEO and Founder of Dokshin
    Ran capital construction projects for Deloitte, Shaneco, Mangazeya Gold and ID Engineers.

    Ilia was part of the team designing a glucose-treacle plant and later managed its construction.

    Among Ilia’s clients are mining and processing plants (Kimkano-Sutarsky) and gold refineries at several deposits (Ametistovoye, Nasedkino, Kochkovskoye, and Pervenets).

    Graduated from Perm National Research Polytechnic University with a degree in Chemical Engineering.
    Let's stay in touch
    4050 - 318, Porto
    Rua Júlio Dinis nº 210
    +351 915 884 104

    129626, Moscow
    Prospect Mira, 102, bldg 24, office 208
    +7 495 790 94 88

    0009, Yerevan
    Abovyan 41, room 5
    +374 93 370 357

    050040/A15G7M6, Almaty
    Bayzakov st. 280, Almaty Towers
    +7 776 006 4188